yesterday i'm a bit malas to update my bloggie..
not fully malas lah but malas balik rumah again, leceh lha if balik2 ualng-alik balik rumah..
better i bring some stuff for 2 or 3 days kann..
ermmm today we got another problemma bullshit selama we all stay at hostel
the sloppy trying tu peek our home again fuck is it..
last night our friends saw our tabir already di buka, all our stuff kena nampak from outside,,
few days ago, frineds of mine also saw motorcycle infront of our house
in day time...esh what exactly ah yg sloppy nie maok..
huh better i stay at hostel than this hell house looo..
its like i'm facing gigantic death..huh
erm it bit good news lah, we found house at kurnia jaya, the rent same as our hell house
it good lha when we move there, there we got neighbour and our sabahan frineds,
btw, the owner need money A.S.A.P huh where ar i can that money.
1.4K for one house,goshhh i'm pokai already T_T
banyak ooo maok byar this semester, i thought last semester we can senang lenang, shopping everywhere..
okay, now what i want to say,,i'm just fine with it..yang penting i'm going back sabah early,
i don't want stay here anymore, never ..
look i didn't enjoy my weekends pun, friday having mass(i loike)
saturday got class till 12.30 esh after that
paking stuff for moving,,
penat gila..
it our test from god, what we need is thinking positively about what happened before,
no matter lemah us, God still dekat kita..
positive ECA....