I take my mp4, n hear my fvrite thats song the only way i dodge from fears.
my alarm ring, i woke up with my swollen eyes!!!LOL
Gosh!! i'm the first reader in mass ..wah so trembling ooo...even i can't sing the opening mass,awful
but lord always with me..i'm whisper "lord this is my day please help me" nah lord pick up my ring.."dear child i know u self esteem weak",,,nah take this pill of courage,,jeng2,,,
wah fearless,,me with my mimic blurry face stand up,,bravely read the words of god..thnks god for the pil...
erm,,todays no hip hop dance, wasting my time jah change my cloths erm,,"hip hop will be postpone till next week".huh..
tak pe2 sabar jah lha!!!
nah, all bad things happened when we arrived to Pantai timur,, its start with the bakery workers, low costumer service, aiyah treat costumer like shitt!!!!god bless them jh lha..
after that we been cheated by stupid bloody hell kereta Sapu.huh pretending to be pak cik Ibrahim,,ish wht ashamed le,,people like that got money in wrong way..FORGOT BOUT THE BLOODY BAD THINGsss,,,,,
nah my birthday cake!!!!! jeng2..
nah,,the right site was Donna's cake yummy chocolate cake yurm3..then the other one was mine
i forgot wht the flavor...i don't care bout the flavor , yang penting SEDAPPPP!!!!!!!! ha3
the owner of the cakes .....nah matching black n white,,,(^@^)..see i'm the best chooser ever,,,(perasae)
this is what we do after our tummy full...,,taking pic every way,,don't scared bout people say about us,,,,huh,,
its all bout my dayss