Peggy's followers

Saturday, July 2, 2011

worry wednesday

shallom bloggies =)
Many people lose sleep by worrying.
They lie awake in bed, wondering if they made a right decision the day before- if they did the wrong thing-and what they should do tomorrow.
Here's a creative way one women handled worry.
 With so many things to worry about, she decided to set aside one day each week to worry.
 As worrying situations occurred, she wrote them down and put them in her worry box. 
Then, on worry Wednesday, she read through each worry. 
To her amazement, most of the things she care of in some way. Thus, she learned there was seldom a justifiable reason to worry.

"therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own thing.
 Sufficient for the day is its own trouble" 
Matthew 6:34 NKHB

Trust in God without fear and anxiety about what tomorrow may bring.
 The same creator who placed each star in the sky is watching over you.

this is the short story about a women handle its own worrying, btw its quite interesting to read it..
 I got this story from my long lost book " Through night with God"..i found it back when i arranged my stuff this morning.

i bought this book at Ipoh Parade mall
its quite cheap oso..

enough lha 4 today..
see ya soon

Friday, July 1, 2011

MODE: sarcasms ....

aiyooo, i got invitation for smoking day this Wednesday hoho, 
lucu lha tue org suka hati maok invite orang. hurm semoking itu bahaya said granny sya,
 tpi pelik dia pun semoking huhu, the expansive one lgi tue cigarette dia hurm, 
she dont want her rakyat jelata ikut cam granny,,pandai granny kn2.... abot semoking,
 i am grateful to God that my Dad didn't take it anymore since he married with my mum..hohoh..
itu kha nma nya "the power of love"  elebiu kama dia ckp...
p/s to mum..hehe sorry tuing2
ah,1 things my granny hundred percent support my  mum,
 2 yg daddy  kalh hahahaha..but nvm this is dad's sake..
hurm i'm just wondering, what those the smoker feel when they suck it...?
last time i asked my cousin's friends abt this..
he just said," ohw  i just feel calm"..sambil dia sinyum2 kambing lgi tue    embeekkekek......
.wow jwpan yg sma dri smoker2 yg sya knal, 
.for me its just a things that make ppl addicted ,made ppl live in their own world and maybe this is the shortest way to reduce their stress as well..
oooemmmgie i didn't meant to judge them,
 but i hate when smoker, smoke in everywhere..
sana ada bnyak org ,situ lha tempat dia produce dangerous smoke..he2 
btw  i hate that smell as well...
nah p/s to bro Boy and bro Patrick .,,please say yes...

Jackie chan kicked the cigarette..huh
alright bloggies..shall we stop here..

Thursday, June 30, 2011

MODE: just nice...

huhhu..guess what i've been doing today, i lying on bad since i woke up..
malas maok buat kerja..
btw i do clean up my self, b4 continuous my malas2 activity..haha
hurm i've been waiting this moment to take revenge to my lil sis..
p/s to jcka " hi, nakakan nh iziou ngok2 tdi, tpi nvm i still  got mine"
but kada iziou ivai kio, there is a word of "suav"..tuing2..
au sya campin kopio megarait in KD nga tpi maan nopo lha..
antam sija c opok ckp..=)
tanak dusun ou koilo momboros dusun,
well trait from siapa juga..
huhu daddy oso didn't speak dusun with us,..malay 24/7
muhi kg, sot2 x pandai conversation in dsn..just showing my blurry face..
au maluuuu..
FYI, i know basic of my native,,thats good enough..hu2
2nd time i like the word of ROCK!!
i do mentioned that entire of my life i haven't been rocking like that...huhu sometime i made the wrong turn,
 i could stay the right way if i want it but it is so impossible to stay away from the jila2 things..
i need some meditation though.
 i'm rare to get something that make me very2 exciting,
 before this i just fill it with shopping with my buddies...
i'm just carried away to get it..haah
even its just a small matter,
for me getting the things that you want it so long ago made a person happy..
ah!one thing i got cucu already huhuhu
my cucu is toooooooooo___thn me..hehe
p/s to my cucu don't to much face the game,,xbaek for ur mata sepet..hohoh
 orait, enough already..
bye2 bloggies

no mode title today

what a scarier being the scarier..
Mayday2 i'm gonna blow up it soon, huh! last time i got this feeling when i'm doing something unnecessary, 
and fortunately nothing happened on a few day, actually i thinks this is what we call life cycle..
like a wheel car..
setiap kali kereta begerak, roda sentiasa berputar..up and down..huhu
sometime when we were on  the top, and sometime we at the bottom..
two different world that make person do anything in their priority to chase the unpredictable future..
lets beat the rock as far as u can, haha a bit brutal here..
that's why i love the words of ROCK  ..
move on the existing of the scarier, nah i cancelled my karaja at Labuan, 
i supposed go there by tomorrow but i think i'm too rough lha this time, even i planed it since i back sbh..
i'm just "Orosian" if i didn't have something that make me fly away from this jobless title...
the word of "pengangur" i hate it much, (little bit kerut here)
it mimpi ngeri buat sya, xmaok22222222
jerk!!before this i always said i'm want this over so soon,
just now, i'm separuh mati want face those book again!!!!! huh,need to shoot my own head..
ooheeemgiee, org2 yg berkenaan please give ur feedback ok,,,
ogumu noh poboroson ku tie, my eye getting to siodop sudah..
otopot tia tie boros " ou teen mha if modop too early" ..adess
btw GOOD NIGHT bloggies..

Sunday, June 26, 2011

mode: disappointed n sad's all my fault instead,
my mom burn $100 because of my neglect..
i supposed inform to Mr.pejabat post, about the payment..

 nie not me....

when you believe

Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood

Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we knew we could

There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayers so often prove(s) in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away

Yet now I'm standing here
My heart's so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say

There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

They don't (always happen) when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way straight throught the rain
(A small but )still resilient voice
Says (hope is very near)

There can be miracles
When you believe
(Lord, when you believe)
Though hope is frail
(Though hope is frail)
It's hard to kill
(Hard to kill, Ohhh)
Who knows what miracles,you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will(somehow,somehow, somehow)
somehow you will
You will when you believe

You will when you
You will when you believe
Just your heart
Just believer
You will when you believe~

wanna heard this song? click here..

i like this song much..1st time i heard it  i've been touching by it..if then its related to my life instead.. said, choose the way that u feel its right for you..and believe what u done is not coincidence..
u may choose the best journey in u life..and God will bless every single when you knock the door...
hhihi..quote from my b'<3 mom..(in our native language)
and my dad oso said mong be careful on your next journey, it will be more waiting for u" ah! don't forget  prayed,  everytime your need Him, He always on your side"
i don't dare to make any promise parents..i'm a bit scared about my next journey!! aiyaa 
but i'll try do the best..thanks parents to support me, both of you are supportive..
well i'm you daughter..tunig2
erm one day if mom n dad ter-read this blog..
i'll be proud of my self..
i don't know how to express my feeling infront of you,cz i'm a bit malu lha..hihih
btw i like became 1st child in our family..
terimah kasih parents

well, if that will be more scarier things in my life soon, 
i need to face it..jiayou
wah! nice.. from now on i'm trying to love scarier things..
i think it could be amazing then..
ah!i want to show off lue..
parents i'll already decide i wanna be Engineer...
even mom want me to be nurse, tpi apa bleh buat i'm already falling in love with this kerja..
There can miracles when you believe!! tue song said...

ok..enough sdh lha...bye3 bloggies 